Day 5: Girl crushes

Good Evening Sunshines!

I had such a great day with the girls today. It’s been a minute since the squad and I were all together for a workout. As much as I joke about my RBF (resting bitch face for all those who don’t know) at the gym, i’ve met some amazing girls there. I am the girl who is training my ass off and dying between sets, but I am also that girl who is likely creeping you if you’re female and lift heavy– especially if you have a big ass or big delts.

I am not about to come girl crush all over you if you’re training, but once you start the steady state cardio or head into the locker room don’t be surprised if my creeper face is all up in your business. Actually, now that I think about it…I think I did interrupt Kait’s workout the very first time I approached her. I had been creeping her a while on instagram and one day just went for it. Our friendship has gone from simply exchanging smiles in the gym to her putting bikini bite on my ass for my last show. Not many people have been that close to my butt hole…Needless to say we’re close.

On top of an amazing workout, the girls and I also indulged in burgers and cupcakes. I made sweet love to a basket of sweet potato fries, and regret nothing.  Now i’m at home sipping a glass of Syrah, watching Hannibal, and editing my latest Youtube video.

I haven’t done anything particularly Christmasy so far this year, maybe i’ll convince the hubby to get a photo with Santa with me tomorrow…

Until next time!



Day 4: Blame it on the Henny…

Good Evening everyone!

I am going to keep tonight’s post short and sweet–just like me. I finally stopped tempting fate and booked my flight to Nova Scotia this morning. Typically I book much earlier, but I’ve been following the trends for several years now and there are always sales this time of year. However, since I am into December and flying in exactly 2 weeks I figured it was time to purchase before prices starting increasing.

My parents are overjoyed of course. My father is especially excited, and started listing out 150 things we NEED to do in the 2 weeks my feet are on Nova Scotian soil. The plan involves watching all of the ‘Wrong Turn’ movies, eating apple crisp til our belly’s ache, and hopefully a snowball fight. Even if I wanted to stay in Ottawa this year, I’d be heading home because i’m not sure my dad could bear the thought. Let’s just say he doesn’t handle this ‘my baby living in a different province’ thing very well and still reminds me not to talk to strangers every time he talks to me. I have not lived at home for over 10 years, but he still thinks i’m 13 and to be honest it’s kind of cute.

I am currently editing my Youtube video, sipping a beautiful peppery glass of Syrah, and trying to convince myself that half a bag of chips is NOT a wise use of macros. Logic isn’t winning out on this argument and I think I may throw nutrition and logic to the wind and have chips for dinner…

Taking a cue from Jamie Foxx and T-Pain i’ll just blame it on the alcohol.

Good night all!


Day 3: Rod Stewart Christmas?

Hi guys.

I’m sure you’ve guessed based on the title that i’m listening to Christmas music tonight while I edit my Vlogmas video. I know, I know…Rod Stewart? Well it just so happens that it’s my jam. I firmly stand behind my music choice. Tho, I have been questioning my sanity as of late…ever since I discovered I may be a Belieber. JBiebs latest album has got me feeling some type of way, so it’s possible i’ve lost my damn mind.

Don’t get me wrong, I still rock out to Mariah Carey’s Christmas and i’m sure i’ll put on a little Kenny G when no one is around but for now Rod Stewart wins.

Last year while I was listening to Rod (Yes, this has been an ongoing thing…) my mom mocked me mercilessly.


So I just turned it up a little louder and sang along. She has got to know by now I do my own thing. 😉

Anyway, my video is live so go check it out. If there is anything you’d like me to discuss or show you in my videos please comment.

Have yourself a Merr…er uh…good night. Yes, have a good night. Rod almost had me saying shiz I didn’t quite mean. Crisis averted.


Day 2: Time to decorate…

Hi everyone. *sniff sniff, sneeze, cough*

The cold got me. Between the sore throat, and pounding headache i’ve been hit pretty hard and just want my mommy. I spent 95% of my day in bed. Well, technically I’ve been napping on the sofa, but get the point. I managed to make myself a bowl of oatmeal and record a video for my channel but that’s about it.

My computer is being moody today, so uploading my video may or may not happen. I forgot when I decided to vlog that my computer has more mood swings than a carb depleted bikini competitor. Hopefully if I speak in a low, soothing tone it will come around and do it’s job.

On an unrelated note, a few of the ladies I work with decorated their cubicles weeks ago, and stopped by mine recently and were surprised and mildly appalled at the fact that other than papers strewn about it is void of all things red and green. I feel like since it’s 2 days into December I can’t distract them with witty banter any longer. Sooner or later, they’ll expect some bells and ribbons. I do have a pair of reindeer antlers with the most annoying bells attached, perhaps i’ll wear those.

This could also work…


Which reminds me that the past few years I haven’t decorated my house for the holidays either. Not because I haven’t been into it, but I have been spending 2 weeks at Christmas at home in Nova Scotia and have been enjoying the decor there instead. I was thinking that i’d like a mini tree tho, so maybe i’ll get hubby to bring me one… or even a Christmas centerpiece would be nice. Hmmm….

For now i’ll be content with the knowledge that I have hot chocolate mix in the cupboard. That is about as Christmasy as it’s going to get today. Maybe after another epic 14 hour sleep i’ll feel like decorating.

Sleep well my loves!

Day 1: Cookies heal everything…

Ho Ho Ho!

There is something so amazing about December 1st. Not entirely sure what makes today so magical, but I do not feel in the Christmas spirit at all during November. It may be my birthday month, and host to Black Friday and Cyber Monday but ya’ll playing with those holiday decorations. However, as soon as December rolls around I am in full blown Christmas mode.


Confession time. It’s 9:30 and I just woke up. I know, I know. not a nocturnal squirrel, but hey I have a cold and this is how i’m coping. I got home this afternoon from work and collapsed in a ball of shivers on my bed and basically slept all evening. The only reason I even managed to get out of bed now, is because i’m hungry. I can feel my gains slipping through my fingers so i’m eating, quickly editing a video and back to bed within 45 minutes.

This is all fine and good Regena, but where do the cookies fit into all of this? How do they heal? Are they magic cookies? Are they special cookies akin to those varieties of brownies you may find yourself snacking on in Amsterdam? 

Whoa! Calm down. No, these are not special cookies. The honest truth is that ALL cookies (unless they contain raisins or other pieces of fruit) have the ability to make a sick girl feel better.  I do not have stomach flu, I do not have pneumonia, and to be honest i’m only feverish with a helluva bad headache and sore throat so basically anything delicious would make me feel better. I wont’ lie tho, cookies pretty much make my day.

However, rather than gobbling down half a box of cookies, I am sipping on a glass of Perrier laced with Emer-C vitamin C powder pretending it’s a ‘Sex on the Beach’. It’s not quite perfect, but it’s not too shabby either.

Well I just ate 700 calories worth of food in about 3 minutes, my tummy is full and I am once again a happy girl. I think it’s time I head back to bed. Tomorrow will be better, I can feel it. Actually if i’m being 100% honest with you, all I feel right now is the weird scratchy tag in my sleep shirt so that’s a little distracting but i’m sure tomorrow will be great despite that.

Have a fantastic rest of the day and an even better tomorrow.



Vlogmas??!Twas the month before Christmas…

Good Evening Sunshines!

I hope your autumn has been filled with pumpkin spice, crisp leaves, and well since we’re on the topic of crisp…perhaps apple crisp with ice cream. Oh yes, I definitely hope that’s how your September, October, and November have been progressing. Now that I think about it, I might just have to go whip some up quickly in the kitchen. I am currently bulking after all…

Tomorrow is December 1st and that means–You guessed it, the countdown for Christmas begins. Actually for me, it’s the countdown til I fly back home to Nova Scotia to spend with my family. Okay, fine, it’s the  count down til I get to eat everything in sight and chalk it up to the holidays. You got me to say it. Happy?

Actually, this year I am looking forward to spoiling my niece and nephew. She’s just over 2 and he will be 1 in a few days so prime present opening age. I feel like I am going to spend the entire time i’m home teaching them each bad…er good habits. Oh, and let’s not forget constantly biting the inside of my mouth to ensure I don’t say something my niece shouldn’t hear…you know what i’m talking about, those 4 letter words that aren’t rated on the same adorable level as Dora the explorer and Thomas the Train, or whatever little kids are watching these days. Repeat after me Regena “Shoot, Fudge, Darnit”

…did someone say Fudge?

Okay enough of that. Basically I am here for 2 very special reasons.
Drake Bells Bling

  1. I want to try something different this year and vlog during December. The videos will be up on my youtube channel.
  2. To let you know that my blog will be undergoing some mini changes in the coming weeks so don’t be alarmed if you check back in, and don’t quite recognize the set up. I promise, it will be all for the best

So in case you’re still stuck on point #1 what are you thoughts? Would you watch my holiday vlogs? If I get a tree? My vegan gluten free cookie recipes? Holiday parties? I’d love to hear from you. Please Please Please comment or write me and give me some ideas for what I should talk about in my upcoming video series. If there’s something you want to know, now is the time to ask.

Oh, and to get you guys excited about the Vlogs, here is a little PREVlog magic to get it all started off.


Happy last day of November dahhhlings.


Finally on Youtube! Calling all #Fitgirls…and guys.

Hi guyyysssss!!

(If you have watched any of my Instagram videos you should be able to picture me saying this and waving at the camera…)

Between training, work, calculating the perfect macros to allow for ice cream while cutting, and sleeping I’ve been a busy bee the past few weeks. I suppose sleeping doesn’t count as a chore, but i’m quite good at it, so I should at least be allowed to add it to my CV.

Tonight’s post is going to be a rather short one, but I wanted to let you guys know that I am on YOUTUBE! My swolemate Kait and I decided to join forces and rock your socks off with our awesomeness. Okay, truthfully, I’m a little wary of toes, so maybe your socks can stay on, but I need you to be prepared for the insanity that will be our channel. We plan to cover fitness related topics, flexible dieting, do reviews, hauls, etc. It’s also another great way to stay up to date with my competition prep as i’m now 9 weeks out from UFE (well that is the CURRENT plan) and will be uploading vlogs.

If you’ve ever thought to yourself Gawd, I would love to sit around and listen to Regena ramble about random shit in a slightly nonsensical manner, I bet that would be super fun then my channel is just the place to be. 🙂

We’re new to this, and learning as we go so we would both really appreciate the support. I have just uploaded the very first video, so if you would be so kind as to head over to the channel and like the video/subscribe–it would make my day!

Don’t worry, i’ll still be around for blogging. I have a million (that’s actually probably not an exaggeration) photos that I need to sort through for upcoming posts, so stay tuned for that. Have an amazing weekend!

Post Comp Recap!!

Hi beauties!

It’s been just over 2 weeks since the SAF and Physique Canada shows, and since i’ve taken this time to relax and breathe a little i’m feeling ready to tell you all about my first bikini competition.


First things first, I had a truly amazing time–who knew it would be so fun!? I met some incredible ladies back stage, and cannot wait to compete with them again. Yes, you heard me right, I will definitely be competing again. Having time off for my mental and physical health has been GREATLY appreciated, but i’m ready to get back into the game and see what this body of mine can do.

On the day of my show I was so nervous. My palms were sweaty, my legs shook, and my heart was racing. As I stood on stage behind the curtain able to see the girls ahead of me go out and do their thing I had a brief moment of panic when I thought…
What if i’m the ONLY girl in the history of competing who slips, falls, and ends up kicking a shoe into the crowd…
luckily I didn’t have time to dwell on that thought for long because it was now MY turn–#83. The moment my number and name were called out and I made that first step out onto the stage something inside of me came to life.

…so strut, pop, smile, and flirt I did. Thanks inner diva.

The photo above is the top 8 from the SAF fitness model division. I found out later that I placed 5th and know that if I work a little harder and come in better conditioned for my next show I have a shot at the top 3. I won’t lie and pretend i’m satisfied with 5th place–sure i’m proud of myself for getting there, but I know I can do better and I have my eye on first place.

3rd Place!
3rd Place!

Physique Canada show in the evening was a little harder for me as I was feeling the affects of not drinking water all day. I was actually really tired and almost didn’t do the show, but after talking to a few of the girls i’d met backstage decided to stick it out. I’m so glad that I stayed. I placed 3rd in my division of Tier 3 (novice) and am able to compete in Tier 2 next time around. The next show is in October and I am toying with the idea of competing to see if I can make top 3 again and move up to compete as a Tier 1 (elite) athlete next summer. No decisions have been made yet, but I am thinking about it.

So that brings us to the dreaded post show blues. As much as I prepared myself mentally for what would happen post show, I have to admit I wasn’t quite ready for the cravings, the insane water weight gain, and the ‘bingey’ thoughts that dragged on for a week. My tan was splotchy, my body looked super soft, and on top of everything I accidentally ate gluten and have been suffering ever since BUT I pushed through the tough part and I feel ready to do it again.

Keep an eye out for a more detailed update on how i’ve felt during the course of the past 2 weeks, and how i’ve handled it. It hasn’t always been easy, i’ve cheated a little more than I should have, went off plan a few times and have felt guilty but i’ve learned some important lessons and now that I know what to expect and how I react to certain things, I will be better prepared for next time. It’s been a learning experience and I have had to remind myself more than once that I will not walk around looking the way I looked on stage. Funny thing is, the moment I came to terms with that everything else fell into place and I became excited to do another show.

Speaking of which, I have decided to do another show on September 19th. It is just under 12 weeks away and since I plan to bring a leaner better conditioned package to stage there will be some adjustments but overall i’m very excited to start up again.

to stay up to date with my journey to the UFE stage, check back regularly with my blog as well as add me on my other social media sites.
Instagram: regarae
Twitter: spinbikequeen
Snapchat: regarae
Youtube: COMING SOON!!


1 Day Out!


Caps Lock pretty much sums up my life right now. I’m excited, nervous, and probably yelling a little.

My day has been a little hectic which is why i’m so glad I have most things figured out for tomorrow already because to be quite frank, I am running around unorganized today finalizing things and I don’t like that. If you know me at all, you know that chaos upsets me to my core. I don’t need everything planned down to the letter but I do require some sense of order and feeling unprepared just makes me more nervous. You’d think I would be more organized but I was so tired the past few days that I just kind of let things go.

I’ve packed my suitcase but have a few last minute items to add. My hair is air drying–I’ll diffuse it soon but it’s raining so I want to handle it as little as possible as the humidty will frizz it up and i’d like it to remain in tact until tomorrow when I tease the hell out of it.

I am staying at the hotel across from the venue tonight with 3 other ladies who will be competing tomorrow. So eventually I need to haul my sweet ass, my food, my weights, costumes, and other goodies over there. It wouldn’t be so bad really if it wasn’t pouring rain today and RULE #1 of spray tans = don’t get that shizz wet.

I wrote the first part of this post a few hours ago so i’m now back at home with my spray tan on and getting ready to head up to the hotel. I have my mani and pedi finished, my hair is still untouched but I think i’ll just leave it do it’s thing today to maintain the most curls as possible. I am going to have to go back to see Cherry tomorrow because I splashed nail polish remover on my wrist ALREADY and effed up my tan. Haha. Typical.

Anyway folks, I am heading over to the hotel to watch the bikini and bikini elite shows tonight so i’m excited for that. As well, I have been selected as one of the award nominees for tonight’s Inspire award contest. I think they will read all 10 stories and then give awards to the top 3, exciting stuff. Either way, I have gotten my vegan fitness story out there and i’m proud of the hard work i’ve put into my physical and mental transformation.

Oh, and on the tan…I have to be honest with you..i’m digging it. Now time for homemade fries and then relaxation.

Please add me on Instagram @regarae if you want to stay up to date with how tomorrow goes. I will be uploading photos and videos of my day.

Well world, it’s time to go! In just 1 sleep I will be gracing my very first stage. Leggo!!

3 Days Out…and some struggles. Real Talk.

Hi guys!

I just wanted to say that tonight marked my final workout prior to my show on Saturday and just in the nick of time. I realize it’s peak week and therefore is supposed to be terrible, but honestly I’ve felt fantastic. Well physically at least, but i’ll get into that in a minute. I think some of that awesomeness i’ve been feeling is due to the fact that I knew this week means it all comes to an end and somehow that gave me strength and energy.

Have I hated prep? Nope. Actually it’s been fun. It’s been an adjustment, and I certainly need to figure out a way to balance a little better next time around but i’ve enjoyed the experience, seeing how strong I really am both mentally and physically, and of course the changes that have happened weekly with my body. That being said, it’s been weeks and the past little while i’ve been training twice a day and it’s exhausting. I track macros and that’s been fine BUT I need a day or 2 where I can relax, eat intuitively, sleep in, have a glass of wine and just be. So yes, i’m excited for Saturday to finally be here.

Most people would agree that prepping for a show is hard work. My colleagues always tell me i’m dedicated and yes, sure I guess I am. But there is a lot more to prepping for a show than just giving up cookies and training more. I miss days I leave work early to see a movie, weekends spent eating breakfast in bed then perusing the market with my husband, I miss my friends–quiet nights in as well as the occasional night out with wine, I miss thinking about things NOT related to prep, not having to carry around a giant back pack filled with posing shoes, change of clothes for a 2nd workout, food upon food, etc. As I mentioned I need to find a little better balance for future shows but unfortunately during the 8-10 weeks I will cut for a show it comes with sacrifices. Period. There have been times i’ve felt like a jerk, like THAT girl who loves the gym more than life or that I had to explain myself so that I don’t seem like an inconsiderate a-hole. Truth is I do not love the gym more than life, I want to do fun things, but when coach says 2nd round of cardio…I do that 2nd round of cardio.

For those of you out there who are competitors or know a competitor you have probably noticed that the longer they diet, and the longer their prep goes on they begin to have some issues with concentration, emotions, memory etc. I would love to sit here and tell you that my emotions have been GREAT–super stable, no ups and downs, and never angry but frig, I live with a man who would probably tell you the past few weeks have made me a wee bit touchy. Sorry babe. The worst part for me has not been the diet or the exercise, hell peak week isn’t even bothering me, the problem for me is my damn brain. I CAN be a little bit of a spazz as it is, but I have never struggled like this before. I misspell simple words, write bizarre phrases (like just now for instance I initially wrote I mistaken simply words) I mean what the hell is that? It’s an annoying side effect that has been plaguing me and half the time my body is fine and I don’t even REALIZE my mind is a mess.

Some days are harder than others. You should hear some of the conversations I have with people where I just stammer a long and hope they understand my broken sentences. Luckily my friends are fluent in my random dialect and have grown accustomed to my nonsense. I am not going to bother posting last night’s blog post but I actually did write one, however I clicked preview and not publish and either thought I’d clicked the correct button or forgot to go back and hit publish–who knows. I certainly don’t. If there are 150 spelling errors in this post, well…I tried. 😀

Funny ‘my life’ story: Today I tried to leave work multiple times but each time i’d get outside and realize I forgot something at my desk. The last time I had to go back inside was because I left something upstairs THAT I HAD WITH ME THE OTHER 2 TIMES but forgot upstairs this time because I went back for forgotten item #2. Ladies and gents, the struggle is real.

Prep hasn’t been terrible, but I will recap more post comp and although i’ve been dealing with the focus and memory issues my emotions have not been THAT bad. I have been quicker to get annoyed and it’s more intense. For instance when people cut me off walking and then walk super slow but block the sidewalk/aisle so you can’t get past them, or super loud chewers–they’ve always annoyed me but now I find myself becoming enraged. Luckily I am usually able to breathe through it and move a long.

Well, as i’ve mentioned I finished my last workout which is nice but I still have things to do so tomorrow i’ll rest but certainly take time to run last minute errands, pick up any items i’m missing, and of course practice my posing. As a matter of fact, i’m going to the gym at my usual 6am time to practice IN MY BIKINI. I feel silly but i’m a little nervous, not because i’ll have a bikini on per say but because i’ll be in my safe place yet feeling out of place. I’ve heard the ‘if you can’t do it in front of people at the gym’ speech a ton of times, and that’s not it at all. I can strip down and do my poses no problem, it’s that on comp day EVERYONE is in a bikini and it’s what you’re supposed to do. Most people at the gym see me looking a mess and now well they’re going to see my ass…Oh well. Putting my stupid insecurity behind me and rocking the hell out of my suit and t-walk tomorrow. I train without hesitation, eat my cold asparagus where the situation arises, I even pose between sets sometimes when I want to work on an angle, so this is the same thing–just another NECESSARY part of training. 😀

I’ll let you know how it goes. Until then, be well friends.

Good nite!